Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I can't believe it's already well into August.  Less than two months left here at Grand Center, Inc. 

This week I've been working on my Gannett Foundation grant application.  Gannett is KSDK NewsChannel 5's foundation, so hopefully they'll be excited about getting involved with my latest and greatest SCAPE app.
Cracker Barrel went out a few days ago thanks to Jay and Peg.

Below is a photo of the site for "Rabbit II" (still To Be Named) that I took this morning to post to our Facebook page, which is starting to do much better with a lot of new friends and an increase in posting activity. "Rabbit II" should be up in a couple weeks.  We still have to install the concrete base and transfer the sculpture using a crane!

The site is adjacent to Jazz at the Bistro and our building.  This is the view from one of our staff's windows.

Currently, I'm in waiting mode for CMSSL's next step.  They need to finish getting their Contact List together and then we'll be able to send the solicitation letters.

We have our first "Young Friends of Grand Center" event tomorrow evening at Kota and I am looking forward to it and I'll tell you all about it Friday.  Don't know that I'll stay for the movie afterwards since it's supposed to "feel like" 108 degrees tomorrow.  Really cannot wait for the temperatures to drop.  St. Louis heat is INSANE.

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