Friday, August 13, 2010

Young Friends (and Older Friends)

Yesterday, I went to the Grand Center, Inc. Gala Kickoff Event at Kota.  I was pretty much there to facilitate the check-in/name tag process.  It was a really nice event, and Ken Kranzburg gave a really nice "motivational" speech to the crowd of host-committee guests. In attendance were Danny Ludeman-CEO of Wells Fargo, Mayor Slay, CEO of Brown Shoe Co, and many more of St. Louis' finest philanthropists.  Mr. Kranzburg made a really great point when he argued that St. Louis is lucky enough to be one of the most diverse cities, and as far as attractions go, can grow to be on par with Chicago, Boston, and NYC.  He also said that Grand Center could be like Times Square...not so sure of that one...but a noteworthy dream to say the least.

Afterwards/During, the Young Friends of Grand Center hosted their very first event!  We enjoyed happy hour at Kota among other young professionals.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the mini-raffle we had of Dirty Dancing items was a great success.  In total, I would say there were around 30 people in attendance.  Not too bad!

Also, this week the St. Louis Beacon published a really great article about the wonders of Grand Center highlighting our developmental progress, new institutions, etc.  It's a great read so check it out!

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